Jochen Hein

Jochen Hein, “moonlight”

Jochen Hein


Jochen Hein

Nothing less than the sublimity of nature is the theme addressed by Jochen Hein, who was born in Husum in 1960. “Man’s wish to converse with something nobler than himself initiates my paintings and is the driving force of my work,” says Hein, describing his paintings of local landscapes. These studies of nature are not anachronistic but timeless. Their precision and brilliance bring to mind the German romantics, their atmospheric density evokes the essence of a moment. Some of his paintings are scarcely larger than an exercise book, others cover a whole wall in the museum. Whatever their size, Hein’s paintings reveal the power, vastness and mysteriousness of nature, which men can touch and shape, but which copes perfectly without them. Jochen Hein’s paintings reveal a depth and variety in detail and structure in a quality superior to any technical reproduction. Hein’s motifs are collective archetypes – like trees, grass or the sea - which he paints, using an elaborate technique, applying delicate layers of paint to solid, well-nigh sculptured canvases. “The tension between the spatial effect of the paintings from a distance and their plain material texture from up close reflects the tension between expectation and reality.” 
Hein’s paintings are sparkling art works with a huge picturesque appeal as well as windows onto an apparently familiar yet barely fathomable nature. 

- Dr. Christoph Heinrich

„You can gaze out there for hours – but the sea never looks back!“
Jochen Hein

Jochen Hein is born in Husum, Germany in 1960. He lives and works in Hamburg. 
1987 diploma at the Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft, Hamburg


2021„Bright days ahead“, Galerie Commeter;

 Cologne Fine Art & Design, Galerie Commeter;

 HIGHLIGHTS International Art Fair Munich, Galerie Commeter;

 Cologne Fine Art & Design, Galerie Commeter;

 „Neue Schätze - von Max Liebermann bis Jochen Hein“, Museum Kunst der Westküste, Föhr;

 Munich Highlights International Art Fair, Galerie Commeter, München;

 Volta art fair, Basel

2020„Bright days ahead“, Galerie Commeter;

 Cologne Fine Art & Design, Galerie Commeter;

 „Antarctica“, Galerie Commeter;

 book presentation "Reflexion" (Hatje Cantz), Galerie Commeter

2019„Bright days ahead“, Galerie Commeter;

 Cologne Fine Art, Galerie Commeter

2018„Reflections“, Galerie Commeter;

 Cologne Fine Art, Galerie Commeter;

 “Die Zeit ist hin…”, Nordfriesland Museum. Nissenhaus Husum;

 “Europa und das Meer”, group show, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin;

 solo exhibition, Kunstverein Münsterland, Coesfeld;

 “Im Bann der Nordsee”, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen

2017Cologne Fine Art, Galerie Commeter;

 “Über die Tiefe”, Städtische Galerie Neunkirchen;

2016“Jenseits der Zeit – Jochen Hein und die Sammlung MKdW”, Föhr;

 “Über die Tiefe”, Museum Kunst der Westküste, Föhr;

 Volta New York;

 Cologne Fine Art, Galerie Commeter

2015Gruppenausstellung “Open Spaces – Landschaften”, Städtische Galerie Neunkirchen;

 Kunstmessen: Untited Miami, Positions Berlin, art karlsruhe, Galerie Thomas Fuchs;

 Cologne Fine Art, Galerie Commeter und Galerie Werkhallen, Köln;

 “blau”, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart

2014Cologne Fine Art, Galerie Commeter und Galerie Werkhallen;

 “Die Zeit anhalten”, Galerie Commeter, Hamburg;

 “Jochen Hein – Malerei”, Werkhallen, Oberwinter/Remagen;

 “Die Natur des Menschen”, Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg

2013“Landschaft · Portrait”, Stadtgalerie Klagenfurt, Österreich;

 “Die Natur des Menschen”, Mittelrhein-Museum, Koblenz

2012“Schaubeck Sessions”, Felix Jud, Kunsthandel, Hamburg;

 “Wasser”, White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg

2010“Park im Zwielicht”, Felix Jud, Kunsthandel, Hamburg

2009“Von Schöpfung und Vergänglichkeit”, Kulturkirche St. Johannis, Hamburg

2008“Weltempfänger – 10 Jahre Galerie der Gegenwart”, Hamburger Kunsthalle

2007“Junge Freunde”, mit Sotheby’s Auktion, Hamburger Kunsthalle

2003“Die zweite Natur”, mit Sotheby's Auktion, Hamburger Kunsthalle


“Brandung” 2023, acrylic on cotton, 23 2/3 x 31 1/2 in, JH/M 358

request price


“Himmel” 2023, acrylic on cotton, 27 1/2 x 39 1/3 in, JH/M 357

request price


“Meeresoberfläche” 2011, acrylic on cotton, 23 2/3 x 31 1/2 in, JH/M 313

request price


“Reflexion” 2020, acrylic on cotton, 39 1/3 x 55 1/10 in, JH/M 327



“Park” 2021, acrylic on cotton, 23 2/3 x 31 1/2 in, JH/M 325

request price


“Park” 2021, acrylic on cotton, 23 2/3 x 31 1/2 in, JH/M 324



“Kochende See” 2020, acrylic on cotton, 39 1/3 x 55 1/10 in, JH/M 316



“Mondschein” 2020, acrylic on wood, 19 2/3 x 27 1/2 in, JH/M 308



“Himmel” 2018, acrylic on wood, 15 3/4 x 15 3/4 in, JH/M 277



“Park” 2019, acrylic on wood, 11 3/4 x 15 3/4 in, JH/M 272



Jochen Hein “Reflexion”, signed book

request price
